Warcraft Guide to Movie Trailers

Yet another 24-hour project (the third!) from World of Warcraft’s Azeroth Film Institute.

To recap, the goal is to complete a video from concept to first rendering within 24 hours. Final rendering and some polishing can occur afterward, but the 24-hour deadline is firm.

I hope you enjoy watching this as much as I did making it! I am particularly proud of the matching of lyrics to the antics of my gnomish Marvin the Robot character (especially at 1:25), and the “blowing things up” scenes starting at 1:17.

The main reason for the deadline is because that’s about the maximum length of time my wife can stand me glued to my computer at one sitting watching the same clips over and over again. Any longer than that is a virtual impossibility, the finite improbablity of which can be calculated by simply hooking the logic circuits of a Blunderflame Level 42 Mechanical Dragonling Brain to an atomic vector plotter suspended in a strong Brownian Motion producer — which I managed to scrape off the soles of my boots after visiting Mulgore last Friday.

Happy Autumnal Equinox, Equinox!

Author’s Note: After all these years, this short video remains my favorite creation so far.

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